Climbing Acotango (6.052 m.)


This ascent is one of the unforgettable ones, we started with an excellent climate, when we reached the Summit we experienced the opposite, the storm, almost zero visibility, the electric shocks, I still don’t know how we got out alive. I could abandon Alex and get to safety, we both went to the mountain and […]

SAJAMA (6.542 m.) – Brandon Fischer

It was not easy at all, the ascent to our high camp at an altitude of 5,750 m. and the next day we started very early.In the distance we could see that the mountain was full of penitents, we knew that it is not the best time to make the ascent but we tried and […]

Acotango-Parinacota-Sajama (7 days)


Acotango – Parinacota – Sajama (7 days) Sajama (6.542 m.) ITINERARY: Day 1.- LA PAZ – SAJAMA We depart early in the morning towards Sajama National Park, the journey takes approximately 4 hours. We set up in the town of Sajama, and in the evening take a short walk around the surroundings of the town. […]


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